Thursday 7.28.16

In 1998, the Great Britain Men's Rowing Team was disgruntled by it's ability to secure consistent 7th place finishes. They came to the conclusion that the results produced had a direct correlation to the decisions that had been made leading up to competition-- makes sense, right? The choices they'd been making were 7th place choices. GB hadn't won a gold medal in this event since 1912. Determined to defy history at the 2000 Sydney Olympics, they began to ask themselves, "Will it make the boat go faster" with each choice they were presented with. 

"Will sitting on this rowing machine for 70 minutes make the boat go faster?" "Yes." 

"Will going out to the pub tonight make the boat go faster?" "No."

For over a year, the team was united in preparing for Sydney. "Will it make the boat go faster?" was at the forefront of their minds and often asked when they were together. What was the result? A gold medal. 

This concept could be applied to every area of your life, but I want to challenge you to specifically apply this to your physical fitness. Especially for those of you who literally have a team that will need you to go fast in 2 weeks, this should be your mindset. 

If I stay up past my bedtime, will it make the boat go faster? 

If I swing though and grab a fancy latte, will it make the boat go faster? 

If I go to HCF even though there's running in the workout, will it make the boat go faster? 

If I choose water over that soda/beer/juice, will it make the boat go faster?

If I have seconds at dinner, will it make the boat go faster?

If I hit snooze on the alarm, will it make the boat go faster?

If I starve myself to be leaner, will it make the boat go faster? 

If I tell myself "I can do this" will it make the boat go faster?

If I just have  one will it make the boat go faster? 

If I... Will it make the boat go faster?

What is your dot dot dot?  

Identify your goals, and make gold medal choices.  

I guarantee you will surprise yourself with not only your physical capabilities, but your mental toughness as well. 


Thursday// 7.28.16

For Time: 30 Power Cleans 205/120

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