Zone Challenge Starts Tomorrow!

Alright! The Zone Challenge starts Monday! If you are participating, make sure you buy in with $20 on the iPad and put your name on a game piece tomorrow. The game pieces are under the big whiteboard. I will have them all hug up Tuesday and they will begin to move based on the amount of points you scored the day before! You may participate without paying, but will not win any prizes. 

Someone asked me today if there was going to be any grace for being over or under on your blocks. Nope! I know some of you have already worked hard on making your meals and you will be rewarded with points! 

If anyone is stumped for breakfast in the morning- here's my go to 3 block breakfast: 3 eggs// 1 banana// 9 Almonds. You could get fancy with adding a block of veggies into your eggs and having an apple or orange instead of a banana.  Those fruits are worth 2 blocks instead of 3 like a whole banana. 

Remember to use your resources for making meals and ask questions if you have them! Get to racking up those points! 

Sign up for the Bod Pod! Use the instructions from Thursday night's blog! Friends and family welcome too!  

Monday's WOD: 

15 Minute AMRAP

20 American KBS 53/35

10 Burpees

30 Double Unders


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