51518 the Water blog


For Time

30 Plate Ground to Overhead 45/25

75 Jump Rope Single Unders

30 Toes to Bar

75 singles

30 Plate G2OH

75 Singles


Ask 10 people and 8 of them will tell you to drink as much water as you can. Or if you’re thirsty, it’s already too late and you’re going to die a horrible death or Drink 4 gallons a day and you’ll cure AIDS. 

Truth is, it is just really hard to find your optimal fluid intake. There isn’t a magic equation. Some people sweat more. Some people have bigger muscles. Some people are well-conditioned. There just isn’t a uniform answer. But let’s look at the facts and I’ll give what I think is the safest recommendation. 

Fact- you need water. 

Fact- you can drink too much water and die.

Fact- you can drink no water and die. 

Fact- more people die each year from too much hydration than from dehydration. Seriously though, look it up! because, well, you’re going to consume water, eat it, or drink it no matter what. 

The newest hydration guidelines are to drink until you’re no longer thirsty. 

Huhh? Wait so moderation was the best way all along? BORING!

Ok maybe this outta spice things up for your guidelines. Drink some water whenever you eat. The minerals from the awesome whole or minimally processed foods you chose will help you to absorb that water better. And honestly from crap foods as well... but you didn’t hear that from me... Drink whenever you’re thirsty and just enough to quench your thirst. And any fluid counts even though alcohol can have a  net dehydration effect, but if you’re drinking alcohol to hydrate for a workout or with breakfast, then we have bigger problems than hydration. If water from celery (the devil’s food) counts, then coffee and tea certainly count. Really?! You don’t think coffee counts? Those beans are magic, but they don’t turn a pot of water into not-water.

And do some research on hyponatremia if you’re a sports parent. Your kid might possibly be forced to drink more water than they want because you know, water is good, so we’d better top it off until your kid is doing that funny “gotta go” dance in the outfield! Right? Nope!

It’s pretty simple. Let your thirst guide you. You can hydrate in anticipation of a wod or event, but don’t try to do it all at once nor right before Murph...


Devin JonesComment