71618 That Nagging Ache and your Nutrition


24:00 AMRAP with a partner

2 Turkish Get Up

10 American KB Swings

10 Goblet Squats



I’m not saying this is 100% fool proof. How many of you who are dealing with a nagging or consistent something, but you haven’t considered possible inflammatory foods you might be consuming to exascerbate your ailment? No, you didn’t tweak your knee because you had an onion ring, but is it possible that you’re suffering longer than need be because you just can’t see the connection between your Dutch Bro’s habit and the arthritis in your ankles? You tell me. Are you eating meats, vegetables, nuts, seeds, some fruit, little starch, no sugar? We want you to eat whole food, not too much, mostly plants.

If you’re like, “yah, ok, I’ll consider the connection between my tennis neck and my 72 oz of diet soda a day habit. What should I check out?” Here’s some inflammation culprits. 

- Processed meats, Vegetable or soybean oil, gluten, soy, alcohol, dairy, artificial sugars, processed carbs like bread and pasta, processed sugar like cookies, candy, soda, ice cream

We all react to a lot of this stuff differently, so we should be testing how they make us feel or perform. And I know in reading this, you’ll have a knee jerk reaction like, “that son-of-a-bitch is trying to take away my coffee creamer, that’s the only joy in my day.” Think of it this way, you know deep down that your love handles are sticking around for at least one of the those foods on the list, so if you give it up and your shin splints don’t go away, at least you’ll probably have shaved off an inch or two from your belly for trying!

Eat whole food, not too much, mostly plants! 

Devin JonesComment