1.28.15 The Open reason #1

Sign up for the OPEN reason #1

The OPEN is coming!!! It just makes me giddy thinking about it! We've developed our own little CrossFit Community here at Harvest in Dallas and we're very happy with it so far. The Open is now an opportunity to experience the CrossFit community on a global scale. Whenever I see someone in the store wearing some Nano's or a CrossFit t-shirt, I ALWAYS approach them and ask "What's your Fran time?" or "How'd you do in the Open?" or "You ready for the open?" You would think I would get some weird looks or responses but literally every time, the person will smile and start talking about CrossFit. 

Sorry if you looked up tomorrow's workout from the Facebook post! I was just checking to see who actually reads the workout blog.

We're actually going to do 13.4, but you still gotta do your homework!

BB// Back Squat 5x3

MetCon// Open workout 13.4

Devin JonesComment